Who Is Behind Your Abstract Art Paintings?


Abstract Art. A lot of us love to pick out this type of art that appeals to us and hang it in our home. But, do you ever think about the people that make this art? Where they come from, how they came about creating their pieces, or just their background? Here are only a few of many artists that love creating abstract pieces of art that you can find today.

Simon Addyman is a well known abstract artist. He was born in Colchester England in 1957. He attended The Colchester School of Art and the City & Guilds of London Art School.Simon’s method of direct observation painting leads him to discover new color relationships. He uses gestural brushstrokes and is known for his intense elements that he brings into his paintings. He allows himself to be versatile while painting his emotions. He currently lives in Auburn California, which is where he works as an artist. In his portfolio he currently has three different categories:

Studio works: This includes the larger works that were painted in his studio from outside observations.

Plein Air: This includes a collection of paintings that were painted on location.

Still Life: These are both painted in the studio as well as outdoors.

David Belovas natural artistic ability was displayed at a very young age.. He was born in Tbilisi, and even graduated from, Tbilisi Academy of Art in 1979. After this be became more experimental in his art. His talent was even recognized by the U.S.S.R. Union of Artists, which was under strict censorial control by the Communist regime at the time. Many artists took their chances to be able to exhibit their work in Western Europe. And as David took this chance with his work, it was able to cross national boundaries, and was very easily recognized. David eventually immigrated to the United States to New York and then ended up in Atlanta, Georgia, where he still continues to create the abstract art that he is known for.

Another artist, Sebastian Alterera was born in New York City in 1964. He grew up watching his own mother sculpt art and try to sell it for a living. Sebastian was always very intrigued by his mother’s dedication and creative work. He would attend art selling’s at galleries and sidewalks. He began creating his own art shortly after this. At the age of 15, Alterea unexpectedly lost his father. Shortly after this, his mother moved their family to San Francisco. Although this unfortunate event happened, he looked to art to ease his painful loss. The architecture, ocean and mountains are where he found a significant amount of inspiration. He ended up attending Ringing School of art in Sarasota Florida and after graduation went on to a program at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Upon completing that program he traveled to Naples, Italy. After spending several years there, he came back to the US and currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. His art now reflects figurative abstracts that contain natural colors and lines, along with earthy tones and deep textures.

It’s nice to look into some artists backgrounds to really understand where their inspirations come from. So, when you are looking at abstract pieces, you may be curious to know where that particular piece came from, and who the creative abstract artist behind it is.

Source by Stephanie Bentley