The Doryphoros by Polykleitos at the MIA


The Doryphoros by Polykleitos at the MIA

I took this series of photographs of the Roman Era copy of the Doryphoros by Polykleitos at the MIA to model it in a photogrammetry software. Unfortunately, I tried to use a Nikon D200 for the first time while attempting this and until recently, I mainly used either my iPhone or simpler point and shoot Nikons. While I think most of these shots turned out ok, they lack the clarity and sharpness needed for the software to create a highly detailed and accurate 3D model. Still, this series of shots at least give the broad outlines and masses that make up this very good copy of the lost Classical Era masterpiece.

Posted by Jerry7171 on 2014-04-24 06:31:12

Tagged: , Classical Sculpture , Doryphoros , Greece , Italy , Male , Minneapolis , Minneapolis Institute of Art , Minnesota , Nude , Pentelic , Polykleitos , Roman Empire , copy , marble