The Benefits of Using the LANDesk Management Suite


In a world that seems to change every 10 minutes, the need to find and secure reliable services for your business needs seems to become a long lost art. Your business needs to have secure, solid systems to run on and you need to know that things will work when they are supposed to and at a reasonable cost. One of the single greatest drivers of change and change management is technology. No business today, no matter large or small must have technology. The computer is as ubiquitous as the typewriter was in its day.

Obvious Questions

The Internet, to which almost every computer in your organization is connected, is the new world where business takes place. If these mission critical systems are not treated with the same proactive concern you will have wasted every Pound spent and that is unacceptable. So why is it that the only time anyone pays attention to the computers or to the Internet systems is when they stop working?

That just doesn’t make sense. Why is it that we are still afflicted with the image of the repairman trundling in the door with his tool belt dangling? Does that image belong in the 21st century? Do you really thing that that is the most efficient and cost effective way to manage your company’s technology? No. Well in 1985 a company started that would change the world of technology and system support, that company was LANDesk.

What LANDesk Is

The LANDesk Management Suite is the product that started the Managed Services revolution in IT support. Why should someone have to have a screwdriver in hand to fix a computer? 90% of all computer support issues are software related and the remaining 10% are predictable with tools available. No excuses for failure. That is what LANDesk brings to the table. This was such a radical development that IBM the digital giant bought the company in 1991 and has made it a center piece of their business systems success strategy since.

Why You Benefit

By allowing highly trained professionals to monitor every aspect of your network, computers, Internet and telecommunications systems they are able to prevent most support issues before they happen. How many times has an hour or so been lost waiting for new toner to be installed on a departmental copier? When was the last time that a critical presentation was not available in time because of a computer software problem?

In each and every one of these cases the problem would have never happened if an IT professional was on the job, monitoring the systems for all signs of fault and insuring that proper maintenance is done at the proper time. Well when you couple that kind of technology with a firm dedicated to its use that can serve your needs without having an office on-site for a fixed fee, you have a solution that has reached perfection. Low cost, High availability, and proactive support from a dedicated, professional firm. Sounds like a dragon killer to me.

Source by Katrina Wagner