Memories of drawing (2000)


Memories of drawing (2000)

Drawing(markmaking) is the first language on earth. It is the visualisation of all concepts*. Unlike painting, it is unfinished and raw as well as forgiving towards changes and progress.

*correction: "It is the first step to visualise a concept" (thanks to Charles for waking me up, see dialogue)

People ask me often what my main language is, to which I reply: none. (it was a depressing thought), But this year, I have stopped running away from what I am, a person who likes to draw. I stopped drawing in 1998 because I didn’t know what to draw, I knew I was drawing for the sake drawing. When that happened, the art became craft, so I stopped. Between 2000 and 2001, I have drawn two types of drawings, one is the depiction of fictional story (see photo) and second were 2 story boards for my video pieces. I did it because there was a reason to draw. Craft became art again. Then life turned sour and I lost a good friend and love. After that life seemed to be unimportant.

Posted by namakumo 生雲 on 2006-10-16 22:59:28

Tagged: , ken , lau , drawing , art , language